Caribbean Weather

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

The Bahamas since independence 

Dear Editor,

Our wonderful country will celebrate 47 years of being an independent nation. It was on that historical day, July 10, 1973, that the Union Jack was lowered one more time and then our own majestic flag was raised. “Glory Hallelujah” was echoed throughout the world’s newest independent nation.

What have we accomplished in these 47 relatively long years?

The late Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling and his peers ushered in independence. He was appointed our first prime minister. Immediately, from day one in office, this visionary of an individual set about building the country into a world-recognized body.

The majority of our national institutions were soon established, including the Royal Bahamas Defence Force and the National Insurance Board.

Additionally, there was an expansion of affordable homes and residential lots; the expansion and modernization of our healthcare facilities; we got a refurbished and well-resourced Royal Bahamas Police Force and the beat goes on.

Don’t forget the rapid and, then, very effective educational policies. Numerous high schools were constructed.

Professions like law, medicine and teaching, soared.

Banking and tourism, the mainstays of our economic model, expanded.

What has happened since Sir Lynden et al. exited the stage?

Former Prime Minister Hubert A. Ingraham did a stellar job as prime minister.

He did much to advance national unity and to expand infrastructure.

Our educational plant, which had been allowed to fall into a state of disrepair, was corrected and expanded under Ingraham’s watch. He, easily, rates as the second best prime minister behind Sir Lynden.

Former Prime Minister Perry G. Christie was a song and dance man.

He fancied himself an orator of no mean proportions.

Like the former revolutionary president of Cuba, Comrade Fidel Castro, Christie could literally talk you to sleep.

He reminded me of some notes from a James Brown song back in the day: “Talking loud but saying nothing…”

I am unable to ascribe any nation-building accomplishments under Christie. As prime minister, I grade him, reluctantly at best, a “D”.

The current most competent is nothing short of a Category 5 or 6 hurricane.

Dorian jacked us right up, but the most competent appears to have carried us to the political and economic cleaners.

He presides over the economic destruction of The Bahamas.

Ortland H. Bodie Jr.

The post The Bahamas since independence  appeared first on The Nassau Guardian.


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