Caribbean Weather

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Closing the beaches is madness 

Dear Editor, 

During my short stint in politics, the party with which I was affiliated, the SDP, fought a by-election in South Eleuthera.

At the time, we found ourselves fighting not only the PLP, but also the BDP/ FNM, but that is a story for another day.

One of my colleagues in the Senate was the late venerable Dr. Cleveland Eneas Sr.

In his maiden campaign speech in Tarpum Bay, he began with the quotation from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”

After seeing the blank faces in the audience, the leader, the late Norman Solomon, cautioned the learned doctor to use very simple language and images as he didn’t think the crowd got the message.

Dr. Eneas’ quotation seems very apt in today’s Bahamas with the competent authority’s decision on Monday to “close the beaches”.

We could almost hear Marie Antoinette telling the people to eat cake when they could not afford bread.

After opening the borders and beaches, without any uptick in virus numbers, and no protests from the doctors, I can only perceive this action as “madness”.

What will the tourists do? How will Bahamians cool temperatures and tempers?


Jeanne Thompson

The post Closing the beaches is madness  appeared first on The Nassau Guardian.


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