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Tuesday, June 01, 2021

‘Reno’ donates eggs to senior citizen homes

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a number of Bahamian athletes to be innovative, thinking outside of the box, in their charitable efforts, and one of those athletes is middleweight boxer Tureano “Reno” Johnson.

The Bahamian professional boxer and his wife Natania Johnson recently donated eggs from their farm, Golden Eggs Farm, to Pat’s Senior Citizen’s Home and Day Care, Unity House and A&A Comfort Care for the Elderly senior citizen homes in New Providence.

Johnson is no stranger to giving back to the community as he supports the Big Brother Outreach program, which has helped develop young men in his community for many years. While helping young people is a priority of his, Johnson said that he has compassion for everyone.

“I am not limited to just helping our young people. I have a heart of compassion for everyone. The seniors have a special place in my heart. They have so much wisdom and knowledge that we can learn from,” he said. “If many would listen to the seniors, we would be much better than where we are now. I am humbled to sit at their feet and be taught by them. The knowledge, information and wisdom that I have received steers me in the right direction and I in turn use that to help nurture young people. It is called impartation.”

During the pandemic, Johnson and his wife turned to chicken farming to try their hand at self-sufficiency, and it taught them to be resilient and innovative. Johnson said he has learnt a lot about chickens, how to raise them, and hopes to pass on what he has learnt to others.

“I came up with the idea as I thought about the health benefits of eating healthy – the nutritional value that the egg possesses; why not share this,” he asked. “As an athlete, I know the benefits of eating healthy and the seniors more than anyone need to do just that.

“It’s very important for me to give back to the community, it was a part of my upbringing. I have gotten support and encouragement. I am proud to be a Bahamian and it makes me feel good to know I can make an impact, no matter how small it may be. This is my home and whatever I can do to make a difference and a positive impact, I will gladly embrace every moment and opportunity to do so. Giving back is never an option for me, it’s a must.”

Johnson’s outreach program went back to face-to-face interaction. However, in keeping with COVID-19 protocols, he said he had to structure the program on a rotating basis and in a smaller setting.

As for boxing, Johnson said he is still training and is motivated to reach the top of his weight class. There is not a set date for his next fight but he wants to fight at home, so that Bahamians can see him in the ring. Johnson said his promoter is working on making that possible some time in the near future.

The post ‘Reno’ donates eggs to senior citizen homes appeared first on The Nassau Guardian.


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