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Friday, May 21, 2021

We must hold our elected officials accountable 

Dear Editor,

During the election season we are all up in arms over our politicians or political parties. When elections are over and it’s all said and done, we say “do whatever you like, sir/ma’am”. This leads me to think “we elect then neglect”.

As a result, our members of Parliament never feel as though they must follow our wishes. Not to mention, if our member of Parliament happens to get a Cabinet post or a position within the administration, now the excuse is the “minister has no time for the constituency ‘cause he has a portfolio”.

What kind of nonsense is that, when an employee can be so bold as to tell an employer who hired him that he’s got another job and as a result, has no time for us? Bear in mind, we are still paying him a salary. Unfortunately, that’s been a part of Bahamian politics for quite some time.

I don’t care who you vote for; if they are not doing the task you hired them for, speak up and hold them to account.

Far too often we feel like “I support this party and if I feel like they’re doing something wrong, I can’t speak up against them cause that’s not right.”

But yet, the same people will go and speak ill about their spouse when they do wrong.

No government will do everything right, but if you support them on everything they say or do, they would never know what’s wrong and needs correcting. Criticism isn’t always a bad thing, as it can sometimes facilitate positive meaningful changes.

How did we get like this, where did we go wrong?

If we continue to elect members of Parliament as independents, PLPs, FNMs, DNAs or Coalition Party members and never hold them accountable, we would never see the effective governance we so desperately need.


The post We must hold our elected officials accountable  appeared first on The Nassau Guardian.


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